Headache Pain/Migraine Pain

Research has shown that 9 out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches. Headaches come in many different types: some are occasional, some can be frequent and life-interrupting, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain, nausea and other symptoms. A 2011 JMPT study found that chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation, improves migraine and cervicogenic headaches. If you are tired of pain medications and living with headaches give us a call. All you have to lose is your pain. 

When it comes to nagging pains, headaches may be the worst of the bunch. Fortunately, if you live in or near Beaver Falls and are experiencing headaches, you may be able to achieve lasting pain relief by working with Dr. Louis D'Amico at the Chippewa Chiropractic Clinic. Let's go over why chiropractic treatment is often the best solution for headaches.

A Chiropractor's Approach to Dealing with Headaches

It’s crucial to understand that the principal cause of your headache may be rooted outside the cranium. For example, if your shoulders are strained, this could result in tension not just in the shoulders but also in the neck. A tense neck, meanwhile, could pull on the muscles in the back of your head. This can produce tension headaches.

The standard approach for dealing with headaches is to take pain medication. Some folks may also use hot showers or warm compresses. While such treatments can provide temporary relief, they’re unlikely to address the root causes of your pains. If the joints in your neck are out of alignment, the tension in the neck and head may crop up again in the future. You might take more medication, but at best you’re securing only temporary relief.

Chiropractors aim to address underlying issues. This way, you can enjoy lasting pain relief both now and in the future. By ensuring that the joints in your shoulders and the spine running from your neck down through your back are in proper alignment, it may be possible to relieve muscle tension on a more permanent basis.

Some folks come to rely too heavily on pain medication. As you take such medicines, your body will slowly build up immunity to them. In response, some people take ever bigger doses of medication to secure pain relief. However, this is not fixing the problem and is exposing you to side effects. A safer approach is to work with a chiropractor, like Dr. D'Amico at the Chippewa Chiropractic Clinic, based in Beaver Falls, to address headaches.

The Impact Headaches and Migraines Can Have

Headaches and migraines can have a huge impact on your quality of life. You may struggle at work or school owing to headaches. You might be more irritable or could have to skip social events because of your pain. You may also skip activities you enjoy, like jogging or going for hikes. All of this can dramatically lower your quality of life.

If you live in or near Beaver Falls and need help with headaches, get in touch with Dr. D'Amico at the Chippewa Chiropractic Clinic. Call 724 843 7255 to start your journey to lasting pain relief.

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